Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Railway Rolling Stock (Temporary Domestic Service U.S. Built Multi-Level) Remission Order (SI/86-161)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

Railway Rolling Stock (Temporary Domestic Service U.S. Built Multi-Level) Remission Order



Registration 1986-09-03

Order Respecting the Partial Remission of Customs Duty Paid or Payable on Multi-Level Railway Rolling Stock Imported into Canada for Use in International Service and Diverted Temporarily to Domestic Service for More than 90 Days in any Calendar Year Prior to 1984

P.C. 1986-1847 1986-08-13

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, considering that it is in the public interest to make the annexed remission order, is pleased hereby, on the recommendation of the Minister of National revenue and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 17Footnote * of the Financial Administration Act, to make the annexed Order respecting the partial remission of customs duty paid or payable on multi-level railway rolling stock imported into Canada for use in international service and diverted temporarily to domestic service for more than 90 days in any calendar year prior to 1984.

Short Title

 This Order may be cited as the Railway Rolling Stock (Temporary Domestic Service U.S. Built Multi-Level) Remission Order.


 In this Order, multi-level railway rolling stock means railway cars manufactured in the United States

  • (a) that have more than one level and are equipped for the transportation of motor vehicles;

  • (b) that were imported before December 31, 1983, for use in international service, by a Canadian railway company who is a party to an agreement whereby automotive manufacturers and railway companies in Canada and the United States pool such cars for use in the transportation of motor vehicles;

  • (c) to which the Railway Rolling Stock (International Service) Remission Order, No. 4 applied on importation; and

  • (d) that were diverted temporarily from international service to domestic service for more than 90 days in any calendar year prior to 1984.


 Subject to section 4, partial remission is hereby granted of the customs duty paid or payable pursuant to the Customs Tariff on multi-level railway rolling stock, in an amount equal to the customs duty paid or payable in respect of each car, less

  • (a) $400 for each car in respect of any calendar year prior to 1984 during which it was diverted to domestic service for more than 90 days; and

  • (b) $33 for each car in respect of every month or portion thereof during which it was temporarily diverted to domestic service in any calendar year prior to 1984.


 Remission granted under this Order is on condition that the importer pay the amounts referred to in section 3 within 90 days after the time he is given notice that they are owing.


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