Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Version of document from 2011-09-22 to 2024-06-20:

Supervisory Information (Insurance Companies) Regulations



Registration 2001-01-30

Supervisory Information (Insurance Companies) Regulations

P.C. 2001-137 2001-01-30

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 672.1Footnote a and paragraph 703(a) of the Insurance Companies ActFootnote b, hereby makes the annexed Supervisory Information (Insurance Companies) Regulations.


 In these Regulations, company means a company, society, foreign company or provincial company.

Prescribed Supervisory Information

  • SOR/2001-483, s. 1
  • SOR/2009-296, s. 23
  • SOR/2011-196, s. 20

Prohibited Disclosure

 Subject to sections 4 and 5, a company shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose information referred to in section 2.

  • SOR/2011-196, s. 21

Limited Disclosure

 A company may disclose information referred to in section 2 to its affiliates or to its directors, officers, employees, auditors, securities underwriters or legal advisors, or to those of its affiliates, if the company ensures that the information remains confidential.

  • SOR/2011-196, s. 21

 A company or any of its affiliates may disclose information referred to in paragraph 2(1)(c) if the company or affiliate considers the information to contain a material fact or material change that is required by the securities laws of the relevant jurisdiction to be disclosed.

  • SOR/2011-196, s. 22(E)

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

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