Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Marine Act

Version of section 69 from 2008-08-01 to 2024-06-20:

Marginal note:Harbour masters and wharfingers

  •  (1) The Minister may appoint as a harbour master or wharfinger for all or part of a public port or public port facility any person who, in the Minister’s opinion, is qualified and assign responsibilities to that person, including the responsibility to collect fees and interest on fees.

  • Marginal note:Remuneration

    (2) The Minister may fix the remuneration to be paid to a harbour master or wharfinger and the amounts of the remuneration may, notwithstanding anything in the Financial Administration Act, be paid out of the fees collected in respect of public ports and public port facilities.

  • Marginal note:Transitional

    (3) An appointment as a harbour master or wharfinger made by the Minister under subsection 11(2) of the Public Harbours and Ports Facilities Act, and the remuneration determined by the Governor in Council under subsection 11(3) of that Act in respect of that appointment, continue in effect as though they had been made and fixed under this section.

  • 1998, c. 10, s. 69
  • 2008, c. 21, s. 37

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