Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Criminal Code

Version of section 699 from 2019-09-19 to 2024-06-20:

Marginal note:Who may issue

  •  (1) If a person is required to attend to give evidence before a superior court of criminal jurisdiction, a court of appeal, an appeal court or a court of criminal jurisdiction other than a provincial court judge acting under Part XIX, a subpoena directed to that person shall be issued out of the court before which the attendance of that person is required.

  • Marginal note:Order of judge

    (2) If a person is required to attend to give evidence before a provincial court judge acting under Part XIX or a summary conviction court under Part XXVII or in proceedings over which a justice has jurisdiction, a subpoena directed to the person shall be issued

    • (a) by a provincial court judge or a justice, where the person whose attendance is required is within the province in which the proceedings were instituted; or

    • (b) by a provincial court judge or out of a superior court of criminal jurisdiction of the province in which the proceedings were instituted, where the person whose attendance is required is not within the province.

  • Marginal note:Order of judge

    (3) A subpoena shall not be issued out of a superior court of criminal jurisdiction pursuant to paragraph (2)(b), except pursuant to an order of a judge of the court made on application by a party to the proceedings.

  • Marginal note:Seal

    (4) A subpoena or warrant that is issued by a court under this Part shall be under the seal of the court and shall be signed by a judge of the court or by the clerk of the court.

  • Marginal note:Signature

    (5) A subpoena or warrant that is issued by a justice or provincial court judge under this Part must be signed by the justice, provincial court judge or the clerk of the court.

  • Marginal note:Sexual offences

    (5.1) Despite anything in subsections (1) to (5), in the case of an offence referred to in subsection 278.2(1), a subpoena requiring a witness to bring to the court a record, the production of which is governed by sections 278.1 to 278.91, must be issued by a judge and signed by the judge or the clerk of the court.

  • Marginal note:Form of subpoena

    (6) Subject to subsection (7), a subpoena issued under this Part may be in Form 16.

  • Marginal note:Form of subpoena in sexual offences

    (7) In the case of an offence referred to in subsection 278.2(1), a subpoena requiring a witness to bring anything to the court shall be in Form 16.1.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 699
  • R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 203
  • 1994, c. 44, s. 69
  • 1997, c. 30, s. 2
  • 1999, c. 5, s. 28
  • 2019, c. 25, s. 284

Date modified: